NOTICE OF DISPOSAL VEHICLE# PLATE# VIN# R/0: 07 HONDA ACCORD 4DSD PFX 647 1HGCM55427A050155 GRIBBLE, GRANT & KOJA, CYNTHIA 07 TOYOTA TACOMA PKUP KDP 067 5TEUU42N07Z333914 LAWHEAD, KAMERON 08 CHEVROLET HHR MPVH KDC 116 3GCDA85D28S594653 MIGUEL, STANLEY 06 CHEVY TRAILBLAZER MPVH KAW 023 1GNDT13SX62236056 WHITE,DAVID (DECEASED) 02 FORD F-250 PKUP KZP 348 1FTNX21F02EB23867 HANSMANN,JAMES R. 99 SUZUKI ESTEEM 4DSW KSE 876 JS2GB31W6X5162943 DECOSTA,NICOLE 98 NISSAN SENTRA 4DSD KSA 701 1N4AB41D9WC759847 HESLOP, JUSTIN 96 TOYOTA TACOMA PKUP HCC 847 4TAVN52N3TZ107925 BARRETO,CHYSON AKA: COSTA BRUM,CHYSEN 06 NISSAN SENTRA 4DSD PVD 949 3N1CB51D76L537923 JOAO, DANIEL 92 FORD PKUP KKP 421 1FTEF14H5NKA69448 MENDEZ, JOSHUA The above vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle( s) will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 TYPE DESCRIPTION: VIN/SERIAL# PLATE# R/O: DIRTBIKE KAWASAKI KXO85AE007369 NONE NONE MOPED YAMAHA RAZZ JYA3KLA06TA044151 NONE NONE MOTORCYLE HONDA CBR 1000 JH2SC57034M001376 NONE NONE The above propelled vehicle(s) held by the Kauai Police Department have been released and attempts to contact the owners have been unsuccessful. Notice is given that the stated vehicle(s) will be disposed of if not removed within five business days. To arrange for removal contact: The Kauai Police Department Attn: Evidence Division 3990 Kaana Street Suite 200 Lihue, HI 96766 Contact: 808-241-1655 or 808-241-1658 or Fax: 808-241-1670 (TGI1282151 6/5/20)