NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Liquor Commission of the County of Hawaii, pursuant to the provisions of Chapter 281 of the Hawaii Revised Statutes, as amended, will hold a public hearing on Thursday, June 4, 2020, for the purpose of considering the application for liquor license set forth hereunder. The Liquor Commission meeting will be conducted via tele/video conference, pursuant to Governor Ige’s Supplemental Emergency Proclamation dated March 16, 2020, in order to minimize physical contact and maximize social distancing. This meeting will NOT be conducted at a physical location open to the public. Anyone wishing to provide testimony on an agenda item may do so by submitting it in writing by email or fax. To ensure timely delivery to Commission members prior to the meeting, written testimony must be submitted before 12:00 noon on the business day prior to the meeting by: (1) email to; or (2) facsimile to (808) 961-8684. When submitting written testimony, please specify what agenda item it is being submitted for (i.e. in the subject line LC MTG Agenda Item #). All written testimony, regardless of time of receipt, will be part of the permanent record. Thank you for your cooperation and understanding during these challenging times. Protests and objections to the granting thereof may be made by any registered voter for the area within 500 feet of the nearest point at which the premises of the applicant is located or by any owner and lessee of record of real estate or by any owner of record of shares in a cooperative apartment situated within a distance of 500 feet from the nearest point of such real estate or cooperative apartment. No protest against the granting of a liquor license shall be considered by the Commission unless such protest is filed with the Commission before or at the final public hearing, designates the application for which the objection is being filed, is dated and signed, and contains the address of each person filing a protest. The protest shall designate whether the protestor is a property owner or registered voter and shall be filed with the Liquor Commission, County of Hawaii, Hilo Lagoon Centre, 101 Aupuni Street, Unit 230, Hilo, Hawaii 96720. 1. APPLICATION NO.: T19-31 (10:00 A.M.) APPLICANT: Hilton Grand Vacations Management, LLC TRADE NAME: The Bay Club Café PLACE OF BUSINESS: 69-450 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa, Hawaii TMK: 6-9-007:031 LICENSE APPLIED FOR: Sale and Transfer of the Dispenser General liquor license, Category A, currently held by Hilton Grand Vacations Company, LLC 2. APPLICATION NO.: T19-32 (10:00 A.M.) APPLICANT: Hilton Grand Vacations Management, LLC TRADE NAME: Hilton Grand Vacations Club at Waikoloa Beach Resort PLACE OF BUSINESS: 69-550 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa, Hawaii TMK: 6-9-007:032 LICENSE APPLIED FOR: Sale and Transfer of the Dispenser General liquor license, Category B2, currently held by Hilton Grand Vacations Company, LLC 3. APPLICATION NO.: T19-33 (10:00 A.M.) APPLICANT: Hilton Grand Vacations Management, LLC TRADE NAME: Kings’ Land by Hilton Grand Vacations Club PLACE OF BUSINESS: 69-699 Waikoloa Beach Drive, Waikoloa, Hawaii TMK: 6-9-008:012 LICENSE APPLIED FOR: Sale and Transfer of the Dispenser General liquor license, Category A, currently held by Hilton Grand Vacations Company, LLC By Order of the Liquor Commission of the County of Hawaii Claude Onizuka, Chairperson By GERALD TAKASE, Director DATE: 5/11/20 (WHT1279596 5/17/20)