NOTICE OF PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Council of the County of Kaua’i will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, May 27, 2020, at 8:30 a.m., or soon thereafter, at the Council Chambers, 4396 Rice Street, Suite 201, Lihu’e, Kaua’i, Hawai’i 96766 on the following: C 2020-135 COMMUNICATION (05/07/2020) FROM THE MAYOR, SUBMITTING HIS SUPPLEMENTAL BUDGET COMMUNICATION FOR FISCAL YEAR 2020-2021 AND PROPOSED AMENDMENTS TO THE BUDGET BILLS, PURSUANT TO SECTION 19.02A OF THE KAUA’I COUNTY CHARTER The purpose of this Communication is to submit the Mayor’s suggested modifications to the proposed Fiscal Year (FY) 2020-2021 Annual Budget Bills and reasons justifying such modifications, pursuant to Section 19.02A of the Kaua’i County Charter, as amended. (One Publication The Garden Island May 15, 2020) NOTE: IF YOU NEED AN AUXILIARY AID/SERVICE, OTHER ACCOMMODATION DUE TO A DISABILITY, OR AN INTERPRETER FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, COUNCIL SERVICES DIVISION AT (808) 241-4188 OR COKCOUNCIL@KAUAI.GOV AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REQUESTS MADE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE WILL ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME TO FULFILL YOUR REQUEST. UPON REQUEST, THIS NOTICE IS AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATE FORMATS SUCH AS LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, OR ELECTRONIC COPY. A. Relating to the Operating Budget and Financing Thereof of the County of Kaua’i for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021: Section 1 and Section 2 set forth the estimated revenues of all operating funds and special purpose funds for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, and appropriate funds for the expenditures during the same fiscal period, as summarized hereinabove. Sections 3-34 set forth the operating procedures relating to these appropriations. B. Relating to Capital Improvements and Financing Thereof for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021: CAPITAL FUND RESOURCES: Bikeway Fund $50,577 Bond Fund $18,815,439 Development Fund $116,497 G.E. Tax Fund (CIP) $225,000 General Fund (CIP) $11,385,052 Highway Fund (CIP) $2,292,068 Sewer Trust Fund $0 Special Trust Fund for Parks & Playgrounds $757,604 TOTAL $33,642,237 Section 1 and Section 2 set forth the estimated revenues of all capital funds for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2020 to June 30, 2021, and appropriate fund expenditures during the same fiscal period as summarized hereinabove. Sections 3-13 set forth the procedures relating to these appropriations. All interested persons who wish to present their comments may do so at the public hearing. Written testimony prior to the hearing would be appreciated. Written testimony can be submitted to the Office of the County Clerk, Council Services Division by mail, facsimile, or via E-mail to Copies of the proposed Ordinances and Resolution are available at the Office of the County Clerk, Council Services Division. (The Council Committee or Council may amend Bill No. 2779, Bill No. 2780, and Resolution No. 2020-16 at its subsequent meetings. Meeting notices are posted at least six (6) days in advance at the County Clerk’s Office and the public may also testify at any of these meetings.) CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK I hereby hereby certify that the foregoing Communication C 2020-135 was ordered to print by the Council of the County of Kaua’i. Lihu’e, Hawai’i, May 8, 2020 /s/ Jade K. Fountain-Tanigawa, County Clerk, County of Kaua’i GENERAL FUND HIGHWAY FUND SEWER FUND GOLF FUND LIQUOR FUND BEAUTIFICATION FUND DEBT SERVICE FUND PUBLIC ACCESS FUND CRIMINAL ASSETS FORFEITURE FUND SOLID WASTE DISPOSAL FUND PARKS AND RECREATION IMPROVEMENT & MAINTENANCE FUND HOUSING & COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT FUND HOUSING DEVELOPMENT FUND KALEPA HOUSING FUND PAANAU HOUSING FUND G.E. TAX FUND TOTAL REVENUES Revenues 179,401,604 17,848,000 8,514,000 1,006,500 1,166,349 375,000 45,000 9,553,500 180,031 241,213 282,000 1,152,500 732,800 19,500,000 239,998,497 Inter-Fund Transfer (33,620,079) 2,200,000 3,813,202 1,805,224 11,346,809 778,902 11,554,901 2,600,000 478,959 Fund Balance 7,855,000 1,128,402 148,093 27,660 35,008 774,000 150,000 735,877 421,201 300,698 336,144 413,979 12,326,062 Transfer (CIP) (1,926,195) (100,000) (2,026,195) TOTAL REVENUES 151,710,330 21,176,402 12,327,202 2,811,724 1,314,442 402,660 11,346,809 778,902 80,008 21,882,401 330,031 977,090 3,303,201 1,453,198 1,068,944 19,813,979 250,777,323 EXPENDITURES General Government 40,318,773 778,902 41,097,675 Public Safety 52,130,089 1,041,746 80,008 53,251,843 Sanitation & Waste Disposal 10,932,487 19,558,641 30,491,128 Welfare & Education 2,465,345 4,416,160 977,090 3,303,201 1,439,794 1,055,591 4,731,819 18,389,000 Highway & Equipment 12,762,199 402,660 13,345,420 26,510,279 Culture & Recreation 14,476,884 2,223,820 330,031 17,030,735 Debt Service Charges 11,346,809 11,346,809 Pensions & Retirements 42,319,239 3,998,043 1,394,715 587,904 272,696 2,323,760 13,404 13,353 1,736,740 52,659,854 TOTAL EXPENDITURES 151,710,330 21,176,402 12,327,202 2,811,724 1,314,442 402,660 11,346,809 778,902 80,008 21,882,401 330,031 977,090 3,303,201 1,453,198 1,068,944 19,813,979 250,777,323