NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING HAWAI’I COUNTY COUNCIL DATE: Wednesday, May 20, 2020 TIME: 5:00 p.m. PLACE: Hawai’i County Bldg. Council Chambers 25 Aupuni Street Hilo, Hawai’i Pursuant to Section 10-4 of the Hawai’i County Charter, notice is hereby given that a public hearing will be held before the Council of the County of Hawai’i to consider the proposed Operating Budget and Capital Budget for fiscal year July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021. Public testimony will be taken at the hearing in Hilo in the conference room across from the Hilo Council Chambers, 25 Aupuni Street, Hilo, Hawai’i; and in Kona in the Kona Council Office Conference Room, West Hawai’i Civic Center, 74-5044 Ane Keohokalole Highway, Building A, Kailua-Kona, Hawai’i. Testifiers will be required to wear a protective mask that covers their mouth and nose, physically distance themselves from others, and sanitize their hands prior to entering the testimony site. The general summaries of the revenues and appropriations for the Operating Budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 are as follows: SUMMARY OF REVENUES AND APPROPRIATIONS BY FUNDS REVENUES General Fund Highway Fund GET Fund Sewer Fund Short Term Vac Rental Enf Fund Ceme-tery Fund Bikeway Fund Beauti-fication Fund Vehicle Disposal Fund Solid Waste Fund Golf Course Fund Geo Reloc & Comm Ben Fund Housing Fund Geo Asset Fund TOTAL Taxes 341,630,000 24,881,610 37,500,000 404,011,610 Licenses and Permits 9,423,577 12,000,000 527,000 46,000 200,000 2,300,000 600,000 50,000 25,146,577 Revenues From Use of Money and Property 314,500 1,009,518 1,324,018 Inter-Govern Revenues 38,267,581 725,000 874,137 23,598,800 63,465,518 Charges for Current Svcs 7,721,635 11,739,600 3,100 12,447,924 852,277 16,600 32,781,136 Other Revenues 7,697,085 890,000 2,081,419 92,400 10,000 22,600 18,048,287 711,228 3,332,032 32,885,051 Fund Bal From Prev Yr 29,973,282 4,816,207 3,244,768 2,132,023 15,600 108,000 153,000 154,830 1,480,110 5,645,174 24,776 400,000 157,692 48,305,462 Amount Avail for Apprn 435,027,660 43,312,817 40,744,768 15,953,042 635,000 118,000 199,000 354,830 3,805,810 37,015,522 1,588,281 1,000,000 28,114,642 50,000 607,919,372 Less: Inter-Fund Transfers 1,876,419 17,954,687 711,228 2,288,410 22,830,744 NET REVENUES 435,027,660 43,312,817 40,744,768 14,076,623 635,000 118,000 199,000 354,830 3,805,810 19,060,835 877,053 1,000,000 25,826,232 50,000 585,088,628 APPROPRIATIONS General Fund Highway Fund GET Fund Sewer Fund Short Term Vac Rental Enf Fund Ceme-tery Fund Bikeway Fund Beauti-fication Fund Vehicle Disposal Fund Solid Waste Fund Golf Course Fund Geo Reloc & Comm Ben Fund Housing Fund Geo Asset Fund TOTAL General Government 48,522,098 3,045,162 434,000 1,000,000 50,000 53,051,260 Public Safety 144,947,379 12,760,042 157,707,421 Highways 3,665,860 16,506,613 18,911,907 199,000 221,200 39,504,580 Sanitation & Waste Removal 1,193,080 13,369,959 3,139,610 32,967,464 50,670,113 Health, Welfare & Educ 12,309,994 118,000 26,390,692 38,818,686 Culture-Recreation 21,837,264 133,630 1,116,968 23,087,862 Debt Service 46,878,284 11,900,000 585,000 59,363,284 Pension Payments & Retirmt System Contributions 67,260,000 4,300,000 325,000 1,276,300 97,900 41,000 2,346,000 289,537 946,504 76,882,241 Health Fund 41,402,000 1,500,000 145,861 534,878 71,500 25,000 854,400 137,000 419,104 45,089,743 Miscellaneous 47,011,701 5,201,000 9,462,000 771,905 31,600 15,200 847,658 44,776 358,342 63,744,182 Total Appropriations 435,027,660 43,312,817 40,744,768 15,953,042 635,000 118,000 199,000 354,830 3,805,810 37,015,522 1,588,281 1,000,000 28,114,642 50,000 607,919,372 Less: Inter-Fund Transfers 22,830,744 22,830,744 NET APPROPRIATIONS 412,196,916 43,312,817 40,744,768 15,953,042 635,000 118,000 199,000 354,830 3,805,810 37,015,522 1,588,281 1,000,000 28,114,642 50,000 585,088,628 The proposed Capital Budget for fiscal year 2020-2021 lists the estimated amounts to be appropriated to designated projects of various departments with funds to be provided as listed in the following general summary: FY NO. PROJECTS APPROPRIATIONS (in thousands) FY NO. PROJECTS APPROPRIATIONS (in thousands) FEDERAL GRANTS RECEIVABLE GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, CAPITAL PROJECTS 28 DPW Pavement Preservation 44,500 FUND BALANCE AND/OR OTHER SOURCES (CONTINUED) Subtotal: 44,500 18 DPW Central Fire Station Remodel/Renovation 8,400 19 DPW Railroad Avenue Rehabilitation 5,000 STATE REVOLVING LOAN FUND 20 DPW Puainako Street Rehabilitation (Kanoelehua Ave. to Railroad Ave.) 1,150 1 DEM Hilo WWTP Headworks, Primary Clarifiers, and Septage Receiving 4,250 21 DPW S. Hilo Baseyard Master Plan, Hazmat Remediation & New Facility 3,000 3 DEM Kealakehe WWTP Headworks Upgrade 2,250 22 DPW Facilities ADA Compliance 2,500 11 DEM Modify HWWTP Digesters 10,000 23 DPW Facilities Hazardous Materials Mitigation 1,100 Subtotal: 16,500 24 DPW Facilities Renovation 11,000 25 DPW Aupuni Center Reroofing 2,200 GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS, CAPITAL PROJECTS 26 DPW Facilities Hardening 1,100 FUND BALANCE AND/OR OTHER SOURCES 27 DPW Facilities Energy Efficiency 2,500 1 DEM Hilo WWTP Headworks, Primary Clarifiers, and Septage Receiving 425 28 DPW Pavement Preservation 11,500 2 DEM Repair/Replacement of Wastewater Facilities 2,000 29 DPW ATM Kona Baseyard 7,173 3 DEM Kealakehe WWTP Headworks Upgrade 225 30 HPD Evidence Storage Warehouse 150 4 DEM Ocean View Recycling and Transfer Station 1,500 31 HPD Holding Cell Improvements (Reappr. 5299.77) 600 5 DEM Pahala Wastewater System 4,000 32 HPD Public Safety Complex Repainting (Reappr. 5292.75) 225 6 DEM Pua Sewage Pump Station Renovation (Reappr.) 1,000 33 HPD Kea’au Police Station 500 7 DEM Na’alehu Wastewater System 1,500 34 HPD East Hawai’i Firing Range (Reappr. 5292.83) 600 8 DEM Rural Transfer Station Repairs and Enhancements 2,000 35 HPD Hawaiian Ocean View Estates Police Substation 150 9 DEM Kealakehe Wastewater Facility Plan Update 2,000 36 HPD South Kona Police Station (Reappr. 5296.94) 4,600 10 DEM Hilo Wastewater Facility Plan Update 2,000 37 HPD Kona Evidence Warehouse (Reappr. 5296.91) 500 11 DEM Modify HWWTP Digesters 1,000 38 MTA Island Wide Bus Shelters 300 12 DEM Kealakehe Wastewater Treatment Plant R-1 Upgrade 1,000 39 MTA Hub & Spokes 7,600 13 DPR ADA Compliance 15,000 40 MTA Zero Emissions Infrastructure 1,000 14 DPR Repairs/Improvements to Facilities 10,000 41 OHCD Facilities Repairs/Maintenance & Renovation 1,500 15 DPW Fire/Police Dispatch 32,200 42 OHCD Ulu Wini Housing Project 1,000 16 DPW TRF Kona Baseyard 6,500 Subtotal: 186,798 17 DPW Civil Defense EOC 29,100 Grand Total: 247,798 Copies of the complete proposed Operating Budget and Capital Budget for fiscal year July 1, 2020, to June 30, 2021, are on file in the Office of the County Clerk (25 Aupuni Street, Room 1402, Hilo, Hawai’i 96720) for public inspection and information. Please call 961-8255 to schedule arrangements for viewing the Operating and Capital Budgets on file or for instructions on how to view the Operating and Capital Budgets using the County website. Those submitting written testimony at the hearing may bring a copy to the hearing and provide it to the staff to place on the record. Public testimony may also be submitted before 12:00 noon on the business day prior to the meeting: (1) by email to; (2) by facsimile to (808) 961-8912; or (3) by mail to the County Clerk’s Office in Hilo at 25 Aupuni St., Hilo, Hawai’i, 96720. For testimony received via email or fax, copies will be distributed at the hearing when transmitted in a timely manner. All oral and written testimony will be made a part of the public record. If you need an auxiliary aid/service or other accommodation due to a disability, call 961 8255 as soon as possible, preferably by May 18, 2020. If a response is received after May 18, 2020, we will try to obtain the auxiliary aid/service or accommodation, but we cannot guarantee that the request will be fulfilled. Upon request, this notice is available in alternate formats such as large print, Braille, or electronic copy. BY THE AUTHORITY OF THE COUNTY COUNCIL COUNTY CLERK Hawai’i County Is an Equal Opportunity Provider and Employer (HTH1279254 05/13/20)