PUBLIC NOTICE SUBSTANTIAL AMENDMENTS TO 2015-2019 CONSOLIDATED/ANNUAL ACTION/CITIZEN PARTICIPATION PLANS FOR COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT BLOCK GRANT-CORONAVIRUS PROGRAM (CDBG-CV) The County of Hawaii’s Office of Housing and Community Development (OHCD) has developed and is publishing its Substantial Amendments to its 2015-2019 Consolidated Plan (CP), Annual Action Plan (AAP) and Citizen Participation Plan (CPP) with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The County of Hawaii OHCD anticipates receiving approximately $1,543,033.00 of Community Development Block Grant-Coronavirus (CDBG-CV) funds under the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security Act (CARES Act), Public Law 116-136, which was signed by President Trump on March 27, 2020. The CDBG-CV funds are to be used to prevent, prepare for and respond to the Coronavirus (COVID-19). The CARES Act also authorizes and grants waivers and alternative requirements of statutes and regulations for the administration and use of the CDBG-CV funds for fiscal year 2019 and 2020. The County has submitted its waivers to HUD on its Substantial Amendments to allow the County to meet the critical time frames to receive and administer the CDBG-CV funds. The OHCD is amending its 2015-2019 CP, 2019 AAP and CPP, its project selection and allocation process to directly select and administer the project activities and is using the allowed 5 day public comment period under the CARES Act in contrast to its customary Request for Proposal process and the 30 day public comment period. The County is amending its 2019 Annual Action Plan to include and utilize the CDBG-CV funds for the following projects: 2020 CDBG-CV Projects Amount The Food Basket Pandemic Emergency Food Program $ 643,000.00 Hope Services Emergency Rent & Mortgage Assistance Program $ 300,000.00 Boys and Girls Club of the Big Island Meal Preparation $ 200,000.00 And Delivery Hawaii County Economic Opportunity Council $ 150,000.00 Meal Preparation and Delivery Administration, Planning & Fair Housing____________________$ 250,033.00 Total $ 1,543,033.00 The Substantial Amendments to the plans are available for viewing on the County of Hawaii OHCD website: Under the CARES Act, a 5 day public comment April 27 to May 4, 2020 is allowed to announce and receive comments to the Substantial Amendments to the CP, AAP and CPP. Citizens who wish to comment on the amendments can either submit their comments in writing to the Office of Housing and Community Development, 1990 Kinoole St. Suite 102, Hilo, Hawaii 96720, FAX your comments to (808)961-8685 or email:, by May 4, 2020. The OHCD will consider any comments and views expressed by citizens on the amendments, and may modify the 2015-2019 CP, AAP and CPP, if it deems appropriate. OFFICE OF HOUSING AND COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNTY OF HAWAI`I BY: Duane T. Hosaka Housing Administrator Harry Kim, Mayor County of Hawai`i (HTH1277351 4/26/20)