NOTICE OF PUBLICATION AND NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING Notice is hereby given that the Council of the County of Kaua’i will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 22, 2020, at 1:30 p.m., or soon thereafter, at the Council Chambers, 4396 Rice Street, Room 201, Historic County Building, Lihu’e, on the following: Bill No. 2781 A BILL FOR AN ORDINANCE TO AMEND CHAPTER 8, KAUA’I COUNTY CODE 1987, AS AMENDED, RELATING TO THE COMMERCIAL ZONING DISTRICT OF THE COMPREHENSIVE ZONING ORDINANCE TO IMPLEMENT THE 2018 GENERAL PLAN UPDATE (County of Kaua’i Planning Department, Applicant) (ZA-2020-6) This Bill proposes to amend Chapter 8, Kaua’i County Code 1987, as amended, by amending pertinent parts of Table 8-2.4, Table of Uses, to allow for residential housing in the Commercial Zoning District. Written testimony prior to the hearing would be appreciated. Written testimony can be submitted to the Office of the County Clerk, Council Services Division by mail, facsimile, or via E-mail to Copies of the Bills are available at the Office of the County Clerk, Council Services Division. (The Council Committee or Council may amend this Bill at their subsequent meetings. Meeting notices are posted at least six (6) days in advance at the County Clerk’s Office.) CERTIFICATE OF THE COUNTY CLERK I hereby certify that the foregoing Bill No. 2781 was passed on first reading and ordered to print by the Council of the County of Kaua’i at its meeting held on March 25, 2020, by the following vote: AYES: Chock, Cowden, Evslin, Kagawa, Kuali’i, Kaneshiro TOTAL 6, NOES: None TOTAL 0, EXCUSED & NOT VOTING: Brun TOTAL 1*, RECUSED & NOT VOTING: None TOTAL 0. Lihu’e, Hawai’i /s/ Jade K. Fountain-Tanigawa March 25, 2020 County Clerk, County of Kaua’i *Beginning with the March 11, 2020 Council Meeting and until further notice, Councilmember Arthur Brun will not be present due to U.S. v. Arthur Brun et al., Cr. No. 20-00024-DKW (United States District Court), and therefore will be noted as excused (i.e., not present). NOTE: IF YOU NEED AN AUXILIARY AID/SERVICE, OTHER ACCOMMODATION DUE TO A DISABILITY, OR AN INTERPRETER FOR NON-ENGLISH SPEAKING PERSONS, PLEASE CONTACT THE OFFICE OF THE COUNTY CLERK, COUNCIL SERVICES DIVISION AT (808) 241-4188 OR COKCOUNCIL@KAUAI.GOV AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. REQUESTS MADE AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE WILL ALLOW ADEQUATE TIME TO FULFILL YOUR REQUEST. UPON REQUEST, THIS NOTICE IS AVAILABLE IN ALTERNATE FORMATS SUCH AS LARGE PRINT, BRAILLE, OR ELECTRONIC COPY. (TGI1275055 4/2/20)