To comply with the public participation requirements of Title 40 Code of Federal Regulation part 25 in the enforcement of national pretreatment standards, the City and County of Honolulu (“CCH”), Department of Environmental Services has provided for an annual public notification of Significant Industrial Users (“SIUs”) who, at any time during the period occurring from 01/1/18 through 12/31/18 were in Significant Non-compliance (SNC) with applicable pretreatment requirements.
SIU: Meadow Gold Dairies (MGD)
Address: 910 Sheridan Street, Honolulu Hawaii 96814
Violations: In accordance with CCH Revised Ordinance of Honolulu (ROH), Section 14-1.2, CCH finds that MGD is in SNC for Industrial Wastewater Discharge Permit (IWDP) 20179004R, issued 1/06/2019 and valid through 8/31/2022. Compliance status is analyzed each quarter for the six months preceding the quarter. MGD was found in SNC for the time period 10/01/17 to 03/31/18.
Enforcement Actions: MGD was issued Wastewater Discharge Orders (WDOs) for Oil and Grease (O&G) violations detected through CCH sampling and SIU self-monitoring, as follows: 11/1/17 (112 mg/L), 11/27/17 (199.25 mg/L), 12/19/17 (103.23 mg/L), 2/14/18 (161.1 mg/L), 3/5/18 (115.05 mg/L), 3/15/18 (1,150.2 mg/L), and 3/28/18 (106.375 mg/L).
MGD was issued a Notice of Violation (NOV) on 03/02/18 for prior O&G violations, and was placed on a compliance schedule to install pretreatment device towards the end of the same six-month period in 2018 when they were found to be in SNC.
SIU: Pacific Biodiesel (PBD)
Address: Makepono Street, Honolulu Hawaii 96819
Violations: In accordance with the CCH ROH, Section 14-1.2, CCH finds that PBD is in SNC for IWDP 20182247423-001, issued 1/15/2018 and valid through 1/14/2023. Compliance status is analyzed each quarter for the six months preceding the quarter. PBD was found in SNC for the time periods 01/01/18 to 06/30/18 and 04/01/18 to 09/30/18.
Enforcement Actions: PBD was issued WDOs for O&G violations detected through CCH sampling and SIU self-monitoring, as follows: 01/29/18 (650 mg/L), 02/12/18 (518 mg/L), 03/19/18 (886 mg/L), 04/30/18 (2,314 mg/L), 06/25/18 (203 mg/L), 08/21/18 (165 mg/L).
PBD was issued an NOV on 10/27/17 for prior O&G violations, and was under a compliance schedule to install pretreatment device during the two six-month periods in 2018 when they were found to be in SNC.
(SA1251922 12/12/19)