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Notice #: 0001241120-01
Public Hearings


TIME: 10 A.M.

1. Bill 2, CD1 – Relating to Interim Planned Development Permits for transit- oriented development within close proximity to future rail stations. (Amending the provisions of the Land Use Ordinance pertaining to the Interim Planned Development-Transit Permit in the future Transit-Oriented Development Special District areas.)

2. Bill 27 – To rezone land situated at Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. (Rezoning land from the P-2 General Preservation District to the R-7.5 Residential District.) (Applicant: Horseshoe Land Company, LLC)

3. Bill 28, CD1 – Relating to affordable housing incentives. (Amending the affordable housing incentives enacted by Ordinance 18-1, as amended by Ordinance 19-8.)

4. Bill 50, CD1 – Relating to the Building Code. (Updating Chapter 16, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 1990, by adopting the State Building Code, the State Residential Code, and the International Existing Building Code, subject to local amendments herein, and amending Article 14.)

5. Bill 51, CD1 – Relating to tourism. (Establishing a “Keep Hawaii Hawaii — Promise to Our Keiki Pledge” for visitors to the City and County of Honolulu, similar to the Pono Pledge campaign of Hawaii Island and the Aloha Pledge of Kauai, both of which are aimed at promoting visitor awareness and on-island behaviors that are as environmentally responsible and culturally sensitive as possible.)

Bill 52, CD1 – Relating to parks. (Protecting the public health and safety by establishing criteria and procedures for the closure of City parks at night.)

7. Bill 53 – Relating to motorcycles and mopeds. (Amending the City’s Traffic Code to address noise caused by the operation of motorcycles and mopeds.)

8. Bill 54 – Relating to public parks. (Regulating the use of canopies, pallets, platform trucks, tarps and wheeled devices in City parks.)

9. Bill 55, CD1 – Relating to real property taxation. (Creating a real property tax classification for properties used for bed and breakfast home purposes and clarifying the classification of transient vacation units.)

10. Resolution 19-261 – Authorizing the use of overt video monitoring in the City and County of Honolulu to prevent and deter general criminal activity and achieve the legitimate law enforcement objective and legitimate public purpose of ensuring a safe and secure 2019 Honolulu Marathon event.

Persons wishing to speak are requested to register by 10 a.m. using the On-Line Council Speaker Registration form available at, or by sending a fax indicating your desire to speak, along with your name, phone number and subject matter to 768-3826 or by calling 768-3814. Testimony is limited to three minutes and shall be presented by the registered speaker only.

Written testimonies may be faxed to 768-3826 or transmitted via the internet at By submitting written testimony, you are not automatically registered to speak. You are requested to register to speak if you wish to provide oral testimony.

On-line and fax registration forms must be received by 10 a.m. to be included in the list of registered speakers. Persons who have not registered to testify by 10 a.m. will be given an opportunity to present oral testimony on an item following the registered speakers by raising their hand at the time additional speakers are called upon.

Copies of the Bills, Resolutions and any amendments thereto are available at the City Clerk’s Office, Room 203, Honolulu Hale or on-line at

Accommodations are available upon request to persons with disabilities, please call 768-3814 or send an email to at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.

(SA1241120 10/26/19)