The State of Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources, Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation ("DOBOR") is issuing a Request for Proposals ("RFP") to solicit qualifications and proposals from parties interested in leasing and redeveloping four non-contiguous parcels and two moles of state-owned fast or filled lands within the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor situated at Kalia, Waikiki, Honolulu, Oahu, Hawaii. Parcel A contains approximately 3.47 acres and is identified as Tax Map Key (“TMK”) nos. (1) 2-3-037:012(por.), :024, :033 and :034. Parcel B contains approximately 1.34 acres and is identified as TMK nos. (1) 2-6-010:003, :005 and :016. Parcel C contains approximately 0.35 acre and is identified as TMK no. (1) 2-3-037:020. Parcel D contains approximately 0.49 acre and is identified as TMK no. (1) 2-3-037:012(por.). Mole 1 contains approximately 2.53 acres and is identified as TMK no. (1) 2-3-037:012. Mole 2 contains approximately 2.98 acres and is identified as TMK no. (1) 2-3-037:012(por.) and :026. All of the parcels and the moles contain a total area of approximately 11.16 acres, and are collectively referred to as the “Subject Property”. Certain submerged lands adjacent to the Subject Property may also be available for lease for any such improvements/equipment that may extend into or over submerged lands, and for use as moorings, subject to certain conditions and approvals. Applicants should refer to the RFP regarding the leasing of adjacent submerged lands.
DOBOR intends to select the applicant and development proposal that best satisfies DOBOR’s development objectives and selection criteria as stated in the RFP. The selected applicant must obtain approval by the Board of Land and Natural Resources. If approved, the selected applicant will enter into exclusive negotiations with DOBOR of a development agreement that would allow the selected applicant to potentially lease and subsequently redevelop the Subject Property upon satisfaction of the terms and conditions of the development agreement. The lease will be for a term up to fifty-five (55) years and will allow the lessee to redevelop the Subject Property for uses permitted within the Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor and the Waikiki Special District, Public Precinct zoning district, and under Act 197, 2011 Session Laws of Hawaii. The redevelopment should take into consideration input received in the DTL, LLC Final Report, dated December 2017, entitled “Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor Community Engagement Findings & Conceptual Plan”. The selected applicant will be responsible for obtaining all required land use entitlements and government approvals/permits under the development agreement, and approval by the Board of Land and Natural Resources before a lease may be issued.
DOBOR will hold a briefing at its main administrative office for interested parties at 10:00 a.m. on April 12, 2019, at which a DOBOR staff member or members will explain DOBOR’s development objectives and the RFP process, and answer questions. The meeting will be held in the Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation Conference Room, 4 Sand Island Access Road, Honolulu, Hawaii 96819. Attendance by potential applicants is encouraged, but is not required.
To be eligible for consideration in the RFP process, interested parties must first complete and submit a Notice of Intent form to any of the DOBOR offices listed below by no later than 4:00 p.m., April 22, 2019. Anyone who fails to submit a completed Notice of Intent by this deadline will not be eligible to submit their qualifications and proposal and therefore cannot be considered for this project. The Notice of Intent form is included in the RFP.
The first step of the RFP process requests the submission of statements of qualifications from the applicants, which must be submitted by no later than 4:00 p.m., May 9, 2019, to any of the DOBOR offices listed below. DOBOR will determine which applicants meet the qualification criteria (and may form a short list of the most qualified applicants), and those applicants will be invited to participate in the next step of the RFP process. The proposal portion of the process will invite the qualified applicants to submit a detailed development proposal for the Subject Property. DOBOR will evaluate the submitted proposals and select the applicant whose proposal best satisfies DOBOR’s development objectives and selection criteria as provided in the RFP. Upon the Board of Land and Natural Resources’ approval of the selected applicant and development proposal, the selected applicant and DOBOR will commence negotiations of the development agreement and lease.
Additional deadlines and significant dates are set forth in the RFP.
Copies of the RFP may be obtained at the following DOBOR Offices or downloaded from the DLNR website at:
Administrative Office
4 Sand Island Access Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819
Telephone: (808) 587-1966
Oahu District Office Maui District Office
Keehi Small Boat Harbor Maalaea Small Boat Harbor
4 Sand Island Access Road 101 Maalaea Boat Harbor Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96819-2274 Wailuku, Hawaii 96793-5900
Telephone: (808) 832-3520 Telephone: (808) 243-5824
Hawaii District Office Kauai District Office
Honokohau Small Boat Harbor Nawiliwili Small Boat Harbor
74-380 Kealakehe Parkway 2494 Niumalu Road
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii 96740-2704 Lihue, Hawaii 96766-8628
Telephone: (808) 327-3690 Telephone: (808) 241-3111
DOBOR reserves the right to cancel the RFP and reject any and all submissions when it is in the best interest of DOBOR, DLNR, or the State of Hawaii. If there are any inquiries regarding this RFP, or if any person requires a special accommodation (e.g., large print materials, sign language interpreters), please contact Richard Howard, Planning and Development Manager, at (808) 587-1964.
Suzanne D. Case, Chairperson
(SA1187052 4/5/19)