University of Hawaii at Manoa Manoa Institutional Research Office Position #0078322, Institutional Support. Duties: Develops and/or improve procedures to ensure data reflects organizational structure change at UH Manoa, such as reorg at different levels, name change of the department or majors, and correct categorization of pre-majors. Develops and updates the in-house crosswalk map among different data tables, such as admissions, enrollment, degree, courses, and HR data. Reviews and analyzes qualitative data for various campus-wide surveys’ open-ended question results. In data analysis, determines what situations the inappropriate answers need to be hidden, what keywords to be used to identify themes and indicators, and decide what responses to be assigned under corresponding themes and indicators. Refreshes data for office’s online data reporting tools, develop basic data visualization tools, and communicate and collaborate with the IT specialist on various interactive data reporting projects. Supervises graduate assistants and student help in conducting data entry and verification using various statistical and online reporting tools and assigns work as appropriate. Assist in preparing executive summary and analysis in supporting key policy making process and communication/collaboration with the UH System offices, such as faculty teaching load analysis, tuition increase proposals, and performance funding estimation. Uses in-depth understanding of the National Survey of Student Engagement (NSSE) to retrieve, analyze, interpret, synthesize and disseminate information from NSSE survey. Provide recommendations of new data expertise and analysis methods to the director and other MIRO staff, through knowledge obtained from attending conferences and online webinars. Uses in-depth understanding of major higher education data and responsible for retrieving, coordinating, analyzing, interpreting, synthesizing, and disseminating data using appropriate research method for reports and analysis. Coordinates data collection efforts from different data sources on campus. Collaborates and communicates with various university offices/personnel including high level administrators to retrieve information & transport data for various surveys/reports. Provides support in the preparation of major institutional reports that will be used for key decision making, such as Manoa’s annual retention report, department report, and Quick Fact. Assists in gathering and compiling data and drafting reports to meet continuous accreditation requirements from WASC, and for program accreditations. Maintains the office’s website to display current data, historical data and relevant analysis to address internal and external data needs. Documents data extraction, transformation/reporting processes including database schemas & annotated instructions that can be used to train future employees. Maintain/expand online glossary of key terminology & methodology of reports/presentations. Assists in administering and analyzing student and employee surveys. Uses survey data to address other decision support needs. Provides trainings to offices and administrators in better utilizing MIRO data and reports. Maintain and improve the automatic reporting system which efficiently prepares and reports various types of data for external surveys, common data set, and prepares data analysis for internal and external data requests. Assists in coordinating & managing internal/external data inquiry. Works w/ higher level peers in organizing/compiling/analyzing institutional data to respond to requests from internal and external constituents. Coordinates and manages data compilation/reporting for external surveys used for university ranking and recruiting purposes. Corresponds with various high level administrators from external survey and ranking organizations to conduct data preparation. Retrieves and analyzes data from the student and the human resource data systems and computes and transforms data to meet Manoa’s reporting needs. Assists in determining database transforming methods to build MIRO’s data warehouse that can be used to efficiently meet UHM’s analysis needs. Determines initial decisions on which data variables to change or to keep. Assists in interpreting & analyzing reliable data reports, analysis, & research results; understands its impact on the University; learns to communicate results with/advise senior administrators on academic planning and policy solutions accordingly. Conduct appropriate statistical programming to various student or employee data, and ensure the data are accurately processed and reflected to meet reporting guidelines in the newly |