In accordance with the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) requirements regarding the City and County of Honolulu’s (City) Consolidated Plan, the City hereby
provides a list of proposed projects for the City’s Twenty-Fifth (25th) Year Action Plan for Fiscal Year 2020 (July 1, 2019 – June 30, 2020). The City’s 5-Year Consolidated Plan identifies
housing and community development needs and a long-range strategic plan to meet those needs. The annual Action Plan details the activities the City will undertake in the
upcoming year to address the needs identified in the Consolidated Plan. The proposed projects in this the City’s Twenty-Fifth (25th) Year Action Plan are as follows:
The public is advised that the City will exercise its pre-award option under the CDBG program. In addition
to the 25% pre-award project costs that may be incurred without HUD approval, the City will request
approval from HUD to incur pre-award costs in excess of 25% for the CDBG program. CDBG funds will
be used to reimburse the City when funds become available, subject to sufficient funding from HUD.
* The public is also advised that the City will request approval from HUD to incur CDBG pre-agreement
costs in PY21/FY22 and PY22/FY23 for the construction phase of the projects.
** The public is further advised that the City will request approval from HUD to incur CDBG pre-agreement
costs in the amounts of $5,106,800 in PY20/FY21, and $2,931,200 in PY21/FY22. CDBG funds will be used
to reimburse the City when funds become available, subject to sufficient funding from HUD; subsequently,
future CDBG awards will be impacted. For projects funded with future CDBG grant funds, if there should
be a reduction in CDBG program funding, the City will distribute the reduction to all current non-multi-year
projects proportionally. If there should be an increase in CDBG program funding, the City will fund the
alternate projects identified in the current Action Plan.
The public is further advised that the City may incur pre-award costs under the HOME program that will
not exceed 25% of the current HOME allocation. HOME funds will be used to reimburse the City when
funds become available, subject to sufficient funding from HUD. Should funds not be available, the City
will cover the costs or future funding for HOME projects may be reduced.
In addition, the City has prepared a list of alternate projects for the CDBG program, listed above, that will
be funded in the event that selected projects cannot be implemented. The City may permit their funding in
the subsequent fiscal year if there are insufficient funds in the current year. For the HOME, HTF, ESG and
HOPWA programs, if excess/unspent funds become available, funds will be reallocated among the
agencies listed, provided that the agency is performing satisfactorily and has the ability to expend
the funds in a timely manner.
All interested parties are invited to attend and provide testimony at the City Council meetings.
The proposed projects and allocations listed in this Notice are current as of March 5, 2019. Interested
parties may submit written comments prior to April 5, 2019 to the Department of Budget and Fiscal
Services, Federal Grants Unit, 530 South King Street, Room 208, Honolulu, HI 96813. All comments received
by the deadline will be taken under advisement in the preparation of the City’s Final Twenty-Fifth (25th)
Year Action Plan.
Copies of the Proposed Twenty-Fifth (25th) Year Action Plan are available for public review on the City’s
website at
or on the Municipal Reference Center’s (MRC) online catalog at
dsweb/View/Collection-2297. A hard copy is available for public review at the City’s Department of
Budget and Fiscal Services, 530 South King Street, Room 208. Upon approval of the City’s Final
Twenty-Fifth (25th) Year Action Plan by the City Council, the Plan is anticipated to be submitted to
HUD on or about May 15, 2019.
Nelson H. Koyanagi, Jr., Director
Department of Budget and Fiscal Services
City and County of Honolulu
Dept. of Budget and Fiscal Services – Federal Grants Unit & Fiscal Support. $847,926
Administration and fiscal support of the City’s HUD-funded programs.
Dept. of Community Services – Community Based Development Division & $914,124
Community Assistance Division. Administrative support of the Community Based
Development and Community Assistance Divisions.
Dept. of Community Services – Rehabilitation Loan Program. Low-cost loans $400,000
to low- and moderate-income homeowners to make repairs needed to meet basic
housing standards and cost-saving energy improvements. Services island-wide.
Dept. of Community Services – Work Readiness Program for People $362,272
Experiencing Homelessness. Support services for individuals and families
experiencing or at risk of homelessness. Services island-wide.
Dept. of Facility Maintenance – Ewa Waterline Installation. $2,622,000
Installation of a new waterline from the Honouliuli Wastewater Treatment Plant to
Renton Road. Located in Ewa Beach, HI 96706.
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Beretania Community Park. $218,750
Design, planning, and engineering phase for the reconstruction of the parking lot
and ADA improvements. Located at 1290 Aala Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Fern Community Park. $100,000
Design, planning, and engineering phase for the renovation of a recreational building
and ADA improvements. Located at 1201 Middle Street, Honolulu, HI 96819.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Kalihi Waena Neighborhood Park. $421,875
Design, planning, and engineering phase for the installation of an irrigation system,
renovation of a recreational building, and ADA improvements. Located at 2020
Beckley Street, Honolulu, HI 96819.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Maili Community Park. $490,625
Design, planning, and engineering phase for the installation of playground equipment,
reconstruction of two (2) volleyball courts and two (2) basketball courts, and ADA
improvements. Located at 87-360 Kulaaupuni Street, Waianae, HI 96792.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Peter Buck Mini Park. $156,250
Design, planning, and engineering phase for the installation of an irrigation system
and playground equipment, and ADA improvements. Located at 1222 Houghtailing
Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Pililaau Community Park. $550,000
Design, planning, and engineering phase for the reconstruction of volleyball
courts, basketball courts, and the skate park, and ADA improvements.
Located at 85-166 Plantation Road, Waianae, HI 96792.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Waianae District Park. $290,000
Design, planning, and engineering phase for renovation of a recreational building
and ADA improvements. Located at 85-601 Farrington Highway, Waianae, HI 96792.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Waipahu District Park. $82,000
Design, planning, and engineering phase for ADA improvements. Located at 94-230
Paiwa Street, Waipahu, HI 96797.*
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Foster Botanical Garden Rehabilitation. $1,050,000
Removal of material and architectural barriers that restrict the accessibility or
mobility of elderly or handicapped persons. Funding: PY19/FY20 – $350,000 and
PY20/FY21 – $700,000. Located at 180 N. Vineyard Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96817.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Kalihi Valley District Park Rehabilitation. $360,000
Removal of material and architectural barriers that restrict the accessibility or mobility
of elderly or handicapped persons. Funding: PY19/FY20 – $350,000; and PY20/FY21
– $10,000. Located at 1911 Kamehameha IV Road, Honolulu, HI 96819.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Kamehameha Community Park Rehabilitation. $3,190,000
Renovation of a recreational building and the installation of playground equipment.
Funding: PY19/FY20 – $435,000; PY20/FY21 – $1,653,000; and PY21/FY22 – $1,102,000.
Located at 1400 Kalihi Street, Honolulu, HI 96819.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Kauluwela Community Park Rehabilitation. $1,580,000
Renovation of a recreational building and the installation of playground equipment.
Funding: PY19/FY20 – $287,000; PY20/FY21 – $775,800; and PY21/FY22 – $517,200.
Located at 402 Kauluwela Place, Honolulu, HI 96817.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Makaha Community Park Rehabilitation. $1,310,000
Renovation of a comfort station and the installation of playground equipment.
Funding: PY19/FY20 – $207,000; PY20/FY21 – $661,800; and PY21/FY22 – $441,200.
Located at 84-730 Manuku Street, Waianae, HI 96792.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Palolo District Park Rehabilitation. $1,580,000
Removal of material and architectural barriers that restrict the accessibility or mobility
of elderly or handicapped persons. Funding: PY19/FY20 – $299,000; PY20/FY21 – $768,600;
and PY21/FY22 – $512,400. Located at 2007 Palolo Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96816.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – Waialua District Park Rehabilitation. $1,125,000
Removal of material and architectural barriers that restrict the accessibility or mobility of
elderly or handicapped persons. Funding: PY19/FY20 – $229,000; PY20/FY21 – $537,600;
and PY21/FY22 – $358,400. Located at 67-180 Goodale Avenue, Waialua, HI 96791.**
Dept. of Parks and Recreation – P & E for Pupuole Street Mini Park. $187,500
Design, planning, and engineering for the reconstruction of a volleyball court and
a basketball court, installation of security lighting, and ADA improvements.
Located at 94-427 Pupuole Street, Waipahu, HI 96797.*
Honolulu Fire Dept. – Kalihi Kai Quint Apparatus. $1,400,000
Acquisition of a quint apparatus for the Kalihi Kai Fire Station. Located at 1334 N.
Nimitz Highway, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Honolulu Fire Dept. – Waianae Quint Apparatus. $1,400,000
Acquisition of a quint apparatus for the Waianae Fire Station. Located at 85-645
Farrington Highway, Waianae, HI 96792.
Honolulu Fire Dept. – Waianae Tanker Apparatus. $600,000
Acquisition of a tanker apparatus for the Waianae Fire Station. Located at 85-645
Farrington Highway, Waianae, HI 96792.
Honolulu Fire Dept. – Wahiawa Tanker Apparatus. $600,000
Acquisition of a tanker apparatus for the Wahiawa Fire Station. Located at 640
California Avenue, Wahiawa, HI 96786.
Dept. of Budget and Fiscal Services – Federal Grants Unit. $55,956
Administration and coordination of the City’s HOME program.
Dept. of Community Services – Community Based Development Division. $9,338
Administrative support of the Community Based Development Division.
Dept. of Community Services – Downpayment Loan Program. $1,000,000
Financial assistance to low-income homebuyers. Services island-wide.
Housing First Rental Assistance Program. $1,200,000
Housing First rental assistance services to eligible low-income persons.
Services island-wide.
Dept. of Community Services – Tenant-Based Rental Assistance (TBRA) $303,875
Program – Program Administration. Administration and coordination of the
TBRA program.
Dept. of Community Services – Tenant-Based Rental Assistance Program. $650,525
Rental assistance services to eligible low-income persons. Services island-wide.
Honolulu Habitat for Humanity – Building Homes for Low-Income Families. $472,000
Demolition and reconstruction of four (4) homes currently occupied by low-income
families. Located at 922 Austin Lane C-1, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Hawaii Assisted Housing Inc. – Na Lei Hulu Kupuna. $1,350,000
Redevelopment of nine (9) rental units for families at or below 30% Area Median
Income. Located at 610 Cooke Street, Honolulu, HI 96813
Dept. of Community Services – Program Administration. $75,000
Administration of the City’s HTF program.
Dept. of Community Services – Program Administration. $17,029
Administration of the City’s HOPWA program.
Gregory House Programs. $436,500
Long- and short-term financial assistance and housing supportive services to persons
with HIV/AIDS. Located at 200 N. Vineyard Boulevard, #A310, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Life Foundation. $114,101
Supportive services for persons with HIV/AIDS. Located at 677 Ala Moana Boulevard,
Honolulu, HI 96813.
ALEA Bridge – Street Outreach and Rapid Re-Housing. $262,642
Street outreach and financial assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services
for persons who are homeless (rapid re-housing). Located at 123 Mango Street,
Wahiawa, HI 96786.
Aloha United Way – Homeless Management Information System (HMIS). $24,000
Maintenance and management of HMIS.
Dept. of Community Services – Program Administration. $47,984
Administration of the City’s ESG program.
Family Promise of Hawaii – Emergency Shelter and Rapid Re-Housing $210,000
Emergency shelter operations and financial assistance, housing relocation and
stabilization services for families with children who are homeless (rapid re-housing).
Located at 245 N. Kukui Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Hale Kipa – Emergency Shelters for Youth. $62,941
Emergency shelter operations for homeless youth. Located at 1828 Makuahine Street,
Honolulu, HI 96817 and 91-1259 Renton Road, Ewa Beach, Honolulu, HI 96706.
IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc. – Sumner Street Emergency Shelter. $254,258
Emergency shelter operations and essential services for homeless men. Located at
350 Sumner Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.
IHS, The Institute for Human Services, Inc. – Rapid Re-Housing. $85,458
Financial assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services for persons who
are homeless (rapid re-housing). Located at 916 Ka’amahu Place, #A, Honolulu,
HI 96817.
Kalihi-Palama Health Center – Homeless Prevention. $107,177
Financial assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services for persons who
are at-risk of homelessness (homelessness prevention). Located at 904 Kohou Street,
Honolulu, HI 96817.
Mental Health Kokua – Street Outreach. $55,400
Operating costs and essential services for an emergency day shelter. Located at
126 N. Pauahi Street, Honolulu, HI 96817.
Parents and Children Together – Emergency Shelter. $82,801
Essential services for victims of domestic violence. Location suppressed.
The Salvation Army – Homeless Prevention. $105,323
Financial assistance, housing relocation and stabilization services for persons who
are at-risk of homelessness (homelessness prevention). Located at 296 N. Vineyard
Boulevard, Honolulu, HI 96817.