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Notice #: 0001165944-01
Notices to Bidders


The City & County of Honolulu (City) is soliciting bids for the lease of City property located at 431 Kuwili Street. The lease shall allow for healthcare services and/or housing for individuals facing homelessness. The minimum qualifications an Offeror shall meet are: private nonprofit organization registered in the state of Hawaii, experience in operating a healthcare services facility, property management experience (if applicable), and experience operating housing of supportive services of homeless individuals. The following are evaluation criteria used to rank and select proposals: ability to meet priorities established in the solicitation, economic feasibility of the proposal, anticipated accomplishments, project readiness, and experience and financial capabilities. The deadlines for proposals are February 15, 2019 to the Division of Purchasing at 530 South King Street, Room 115, Honolulu, Hawaii 96813 unless modified by an addendum posted to the City’s website. Refer to the City’s website at for more details.

Purchasing Administrator
City and County of Honolulu
(SA1165944 1/18, 1/23/19)