The Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation (HHFDC) is
proposing a substantial amendment to its PY2012 Annual Action Plan
(AAP) and a substantial amendment to its PY2017 AAP. The PY2012 AAP
amendment proposes to reduce the HOME-assisted unit count of the
Ele’ele Iluna Phase II, Increment A (EI2A) project from 48 units to 24 units
and incorporate a resale provision that will apply to EI2A. The PY2017
AAP amendment proposes to include a housing activity in the County
of Maui that will receive funding under the National Housing Trust Fund
(HTF) program.
In its PY2012 AAP, HHFDC described HOME program income in the
amount of $1,920,000 to be used in the County of Kauai to construct
site infrastructure to create buildable subdivisions lots for 48 homes for
low-income homebuyers using the self-help building method. To expedite
the project and to ensure that HOME completion deadlines could be met,
the County of Kauai (Kauai) conducted HOME-required program reviews
and, based on its reviews, reduced the scope of the EI2A from 48 to 24
HOME-assisted units. A recapture provision was included in the PY2012
AAP, but as the funds were provided as a development subsidy rather
than direct homebuyer assistance, HHFDC seeks to further amend its
PY2012 AAP by incorporating Kauai’s resale provision that would apply
to EI2A. The draft Substantial Amendment to the PY2012 AAP provides
further details.
In its PY2017 AAP, HHFDC allocated HTF grant funds in the amount of
$1,425,000 to the County of Maui (Maui), its Sub-Grantee, to be used for
the production or preservation of affordable rental housing units serving
households with incomes at or below 30% of the area median income,
and for the administration of the HTF program activities. Maui has since
identified a specific activity that will utilize the PY2017 HTF:
PY2017 HTF Activity $ Amount
County of Maui – Kaiwahine Village, Phase II $1,350,000
County of Maui – Administration $75,000
Total PY2017 HTF $1,425,000
The draft Substantial Amendment to the PY2017 AAP provides
additional details.
The HHFDC plans to submit to HUD its Substantial Amendments to its
PY2012 and PY2017 AAPs, to incorporate the amendments described
above. Other aspects of both AAPs would remain the same.
The Draft Substantial Amendment to the PY2012 Annual Action Plan and
the Draft Substantial Amendment to the PY2017 Annual Action Plan are
posted on HHFDC’s website at and are
also available for public review at depository libraries and the following
offices from 7:45 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.:
Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
677 Queen Street, Suite 300, Honolulu, Oahu
Department of Human Services, Homeless Programs Office
Benefits, Employment and Support Services Division
1010 Richards Street, Suite 312, Honolulu, Oahu
County of Hawaii, Office of Housing and Community Development
50 Wailuku Drive, Hilo, Hawaii Island; and
West Hawaii Civic Center, 74-5044 Ane Keohakalole Highway,
Kailua-Kona, Hawaii Island
County of Maui, Department of Housing and Human Concerns
35 Lunalilo Street, Suite 102, Wailuku, Maui
County of Kauai, Kauai County Housing Agency
4444 Rice Street, Suite 330, Lihue, Kauai
City and County of Honolulu, Department of Community Services
925 Dillingham Boulevard, Suite 200, Honolulu, Oahu
Interested persons are invited to provide written comments on either
or both draft substantial amendments to HHFDC at the above address
no later than October 17, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. Comments may also be
emailed to, or submitted via fax to
(808) 587-0600. All comments received by the deadline will be considered
in preparing the final substantial amendments to the PY2012 and
PY2017 AAPs.
Persons with special needs (i.e., needing materials in large print, taped
materials, sign language interpreter, or translator) shall make all requests
for access and communication assistance by contacting the HHFDC Personnel
Office at 587-0501, by written request, or by email to hhfdchr@ by September 25, 2018. Prompt requests help to ensure the
availability of appropriate accommodations. Persons on the neighbor
islands may call toll free: from Kauai, 274-3141, ext. 70501; from Maui,
984-2400, ext. 70501; from Molokai/Lanai, 1-800-468-4644, ext. 70501;
from Hawaii Island, 974-4000, ext. 70501.
HHFDC does not discriminate against any person because of race, color,
religion, sex, including gender identity or expression, sexual orientation,
disability, familial status, ancestry, age, marital status, or HIV infection.
Craig K. Hirai, Executive Director
Hawaii Housing Finance and Development Corporation
Department of Business, Economic Development and Tourism
(SA 1132110/TGI 1132112 September 17, 2018)