Kalihi to Ala Moana School Impact Fees
Beginning on October 1, 2018, home builders and residential developers in the
Kalihi to Ala Moana area will be charged a School Impact Fee when applying
for a building permit for any new residential construction.
The Kalihi to Ala Moana School Impact Fee District is defined as those areas
served by the following elementary schools: Fern, Kalihi Kai, Kalihi Waena,
Linapuni and Puuhale in the Farrington Complex; and Kaahumanu, Kaiulani,
Kauluwela, Likelike and Royal in the McKinley Complex.
Building permit applicants will be notified by letter to submit payment to the
Hawaii State Department of Education (HIDOE) prior to issuance of a building
permit. The fee amount is $3,864 per unit.
Developers for residential projects of 50 units or more are required to meet
with the HIDOE to determine if fees will take the form of land for future school
sites, cash, or a combination of both. Developers must meet with the HIDOE
before projects are subdivided or receive change in zoning approval.
School Impact Fees were established by the Hawaii State Legislature in 2007.
Impact fees are only collected in School Impact Districts approved by the Board
of Education. All districts must be areas of high growth that will require new
schools, or the expansion of existing schools, to accommodate the increase
in new families and school enrollments. Fees are already being collected in
Leeward Oahu, West Maui, and Central Maui.
Commercial projects, industrial projects, senior housing, replacement homes,
or projects to enlarge existing homes are exempt. Purchasers of new units
who have paid more than $35,000 in general excise tax for the unit can apply
for a rebate on some of the school fee paid.
For further information, please contact the HIDOE Facilities Development
Branch at (808) 784-5080. Monday through Friday 7:45 am to 4:30 pm.
Kalihi Waena
Farrington High
Kalakaua Middle
Central Royal
Puuhale Kalihi Kai
McKinley High