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Notice #: 0001114076-01
Legal Notices


WHEREAS, the proclamation, issued on May 3, 2018, included a statement as to what locations would serve as polling places for the upcoming elections;

WHEREAS, we have recently been informed that one of those locations, Waikele Elementary School Cafeteria, is no longer available to serve as the polling place for the voters of District Precinct 35-05 and District Precinct 37-04;

NOW, THEREFORE, I, SCOTT T. NAGO, Chief Election Officer of the State of Hawaii, do hereby amend the proclamation to proclaim that the polling place for voters of District Precinct 35-05 is now Waikele Community Park Multi-Purpose Room and the polling place for voters of District Precinct 37-04 is now Kanoelani Elementary School Cafeteria. All other provisions of the proclamation, issued on May 3, 2018, shall remain in full force and effect.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set
my hand and caused the Great Seal of the
State of Hawaii to be affixed.

DONE at the Office of Elections, in Pearl City,
State of Hawaii, this 9th day of July 2018.

Chief Election Officer, State of Hawaii

(SA1114076 7/15/18)