The State of Hawaii Department of Health will hold a public hearing for the proposed repeal of Hawaii Administrative Rules chapter 11-281 and adoption of chapter 11-280.1. The proposed repeal/adoption updates rules regulating owners and operators of underground storage tanks (USTs) in Hawaii, primarily to align state regulations with updates to the US Environmental Protection Agency’s federal UST program.
The proposed rules to be adopted/repealed can be viewed at 2827 Waimano Home Rd SHWB Bldg. Pearl City, Mon-Fri, 8am-4pm (except state holidays) and are posted online at Copies will be mailed on request and payment of a 5 cent/page copy fee and postage; call 808-586-4226 to request.
The public hearing will be at 9am on May 31, 2018 at the State Lab auditorium at 2725 Waimano Home Rd, Pearl City. All interested parties may attend to present relevant information and individual opinion. Anyone unable to attend may send written testimony to Attn: UST Rules 2827 Waimano Home Rd #100 Pearl City, HI 96782 or Testimony must be received by June 5, 2018. To request an auxiliary aid or service (e.g. ASL interpreter, large print) for the hearing, call 808-586-4226 (voice/TDD) or e-mail by May 24.
(SA1063601 4/30/18)