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Notice #: 0001089249-01
Public Hearings


TIME: 10 A.M.

1. Bill 14, CD1 – Relating to the Legislative Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

2. Bill 15, CD1 – Relating to the Executive Operating Budget and Program for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

3. Bill 16, CD1 – Relating to the Executive Capital Budget and Program for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

4. Bill 17 – Authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes of the City and County of Honolulu in a maximum principal amount equal to the aggregate of the amounts appropriated in the Capital Budget Ordinance of said City and County for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019, and specified in said Ordinance to be financed from the proceeds of the sale of such bonds and to be expended from the General Improvement Bond Fund, the Highway Improvement Bond Fund, Solid Waste Improvement Bond Fund, or the Housing Development Special Fund.

Bill 18 – Relating to fees for certain permits and services administered by the Department of Planning and Permitting. (Amending the fees or fee schedules contained in Chapters 18, 21, and 22, Revised Ordinances of Honolulu 1990, as amended, with the intent to recover a greater share of the costs related to the processing and administering of building permits, nonconforming use certificates, subdivision applications, including various technical and non-substantive amendments.)

6. Bill 21, CD1 – Relating to the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Operating Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

7. Bill 22, CD1 – Relating to the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Capital Budget for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

8. Bill 23 – Authorizing the issuance and sale of General Obligation Bonds and Bond Anticipation Notes of the City and County of Honolulu in a maximum principal amount equal to the aggregate of the amounts appropriated for the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Capital Budget Projects in the Honolulu Authority for Rapid Transportation Capital Budget and Program Ordinance for the Fiscal Year ending June 30, 2019, and specified in said Ordinance to be financed from the proceeds of the sale of such bonds and to be expended from the Transit Improvement Bond Fund.

9. Resolution 18-62 – Determining the Real Property Tax Rates for the City and County of Honolulu for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019.

Tax Rate Per $1,000
Class Net Taxable Real Property

(A) Residential $ 3.50
(B) Hotel and resort 12.90
(C) Commercial 12.40
(D) Industrial 12.40
(E) Agricultural 5.70
(F) Preservation 5.70
(G) Public service 0.00
(H) Vacant agricultural 8.50
(I) Residential A
Tier 1 4.50
Tier2 9.00

The foregoing schedule of rates is for consideration at the public hearing. The final tax rates may be higher or lower than the rates reflected above.

Advance notice is given that the Council may adopt the Resolution fixing the real property rates for the Fiscal Year July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019 at a meeting to be held on Wednesday, June 6, 2018 in the Council Chamber, Honolulu Hale.

The items listed below have been published in anticipation of the actions to be taken by the City Council Standing Committees; and therefore, the City Council may or may not take action on each of the items or any amendments proposed thereto.

10. Bill 78 (2017) and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Budget – Relating to rail transit. (Addressing the operations and maintenance of the locally preferred alternative for the Honolulu High-Capacity Transit Corridor Project, also known as the Honolulu Rail Project, and making conforming amendments to the transit fund.)

11. Bill 8 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Transportation – Relating to buses. (Setting pollution control requirements for certain City buses.)

12. Bill 9 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Budget – Relating to the Transit Construction Mitigation Fund. (Establishing additional requirements for the Transit Construction Mitigation Fund.)

13. Bill 11 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Budget – Relating to real property taxation. (Changing the assessment method for certain high valued properties.)

14. Bill 12 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Budget – Relating to damage to public property. [Amending Article 25 (“Damage to Public Property”) of ROH Chapter 41 regarding damage to public property and updating the definition of the Director of Finance.]

15. Bill 13 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Zoning and Housing – Relating to Planned Development-Resort and Planned Development-Apartment projects. [Amending certain provisions of the Land Use Ordinance relating to the applicability of Planned Development-Resort (“PD-R”) and Planned Development-Apartment (“PD-A”) projects.]

16. Bill 25 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Transportation – Relating to City facilities. (Providing for electric vehicle charging systems at new and reconstructed City facilities.)

17. Bill 26 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Zoning and Housing – To rezone land situated at Kaneohe, Oahu, Hawaii. (Rezoning land from the R-5 Residential District to the B-1 Neighborhood Business District.) (Applicant: Richard Maruya)

Bill 27 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Transportation – Relating to pedestrian safety. (Requiring the City to conduct periodic studies of all traffic crashes involving a pedestrian fatality or serious injury in order to improve pedestrian safety by implementing strategies including, but not limited to, installing engineering improvements such as leading pedestrian intervals.)

19. Bill 31 and any amendments proposed thereto by the Committee on Budget – Relating to funds. (Removing certain accounts from the Solid Waste Special Fund, address certain deposits into and expenditures from the Solid Waste Special Fund, and create a new Glass Incentive Fund.)

Persons wishing to speak are requested to register by 10 a.m. using the On-Line Council Speaker Registration form available at, or by sending a fax indicating your desire to speak, along with your name, phone number and subject matter to 768-3826 or by calling 768-3814. Testimony is limited to three minutes and shall be presented by the registered speaker only.

Written testimonies may be faxed to 768-3826 or transmitted via the internet at By submitting written testimony, you are not automatically registered to speak. You are requested to register to speak if you wish to provide oral testimony.

On-line and fax registration forms must be received by 10 a.m. to be included in the list of registered speakers. Persons who have not registered to testify by 10 a.m. will be given an opportunity to present oral testimony on an item following the registered speakers by raising their hand at the time additional speakers are called upon.

Copies of the Bills, Resolution and any amendments thereto are available at the City Clerk’s Office, Room 203, Honolulu Hale or on-line at

Accommodations are available upon request to persons with disabilities, please call 768-3814 or send an email to at least 3 working days prior to the meeting.

(SA1089249 4/14/18)