NOTICE OF SHERIFF’S SALE OF LEVIED PERSONAL PROPERTY (VESSEL) The following personal property will be sold by auction: Vessel Name: “HOOKUPU” Reg/Doc. No.: HA 9689 H HIN#: TEN25003C010 Model/Year: 2010 Power Cat 25 Make: Tern Boat Beam: 9′ Length: 25′ Draft: 22″ Hull Material: Fiberglass Propulsion: Twin Honda 150 outboards Remarks: Over-all condition is good. Vessel comes with a trailer. Fish coolers built in to the vessel. Minimum bid upset price: $25,000.00 Date and Time of Auction: Wednesday, February 17, 2021, 10 a.m. Place: DOCARE Baseyard, 35 Holomua Street, Hilo, HI, 96720. Any postponements will be announced at the originally scheduled time and place of auction. The property is sold on a strictly “AS IS, WHERE IS BASIS.” No representations or warranties of any kind are made or implied. The winning bid must be paid in cash or certified check made out to Sheriff, Department of Public Safety, within five business days after the auction. For more information, including photos, please visit: (WHT1310400 1/17/21)